On Aptoide Connect, you can access your transaction history directly through the Developer Console. Alternatively, our API allows you to retrieve detailed transaction information programmatically.

To access the following service, you need to have an active account subscription on Aptoide Connect and authenticate with an API key (to see how to do this check our documentation at https://docs.catappult.io/docs/your-account#api-key)

Meaning of response fields:

  • date: Date when the transaction took place.
  • currency: Original currency used in the transaction.
  • fullAmount or grossAmount: Amount paid by the end-user.
  • netAmount: Amount remaining after all deductions, like taxes, are substracted from the grossAmount.
  • amount: Amount received by you.
  • status: Status of the transaction (e.g. Completed, Failed).
  • type: Type of the transaction (e.g. IAP, RevertedIAP, RefundedIAP, Subscription, RevertedSubscription, RefundedSubscription, Withdraw, Fee, Sandbox).
  • extraData.country: Country where the transaction took place.
  • extraData.application: Application where the transaction took place.
  • extra.sku: Item purchased in the transaction.
  • extra.revenueShares: Revenue share applied on the netAmount.
  • extra.taxes: Taxes policy and amount applied on the grossAmount.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!