Catappult Blog

In-App Subscriptions

At Catappult, when using our Native SDK billing solution, you can have subscription-based in-app purchases (in-app subscriptions).

In-app subscriptions are created and managed manually on the developer's console, in the In-App Subscriptions menu. This menu can be accessed by going to "My Apps" > "Details" of the app > "In-app Subscriptions" button.

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When you click on "Add", you'll be able to manually add an in-app subscription. A form will pop up and all you need to do is fill out the necessary information and click "Add".


After creating the in-app subscription, you can view all its information and deactivate/reactivate it whenever you see fit.

You can also edit your in-app subscriptions by clicking on "Details" and then "Edit" at the bottom-right corner of the page.


When you first add the product, the currency and price you choose are automatically set as the reference price. This means that for all currencies that don't have a specific price set, the amount will be automatically converted from the reference price at the moment of purchase.

To have different prices for the same subscription product, click on the product you want to have more than one price; on the Details page, you'll be able to see the "Add" button and after you click on it you can add the different price and currency you want. When adding this new price, you can set it as the reference price if you wish to.

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If I have One-Step Payment implemented, can I have in-app subscriptions on my app?
No. At the moment, only the Native SDK billing solution supports in-app subscriptions. If you have OSP implemented, we kindly ask you to switch to our Native SDK solution to be able to have in-app subscriptions on your app.

Can my subscriptions have a free trial?
No. Currently, we do not support the free trial feature on subscriptions.

Can I have both regular in-app products and in-app subscriptions?
Yes. You can have both types of purchases on your app simultaneously. The management of the regular products is done in the "In-app products" menu and the management of in-app subscriptions is made in the "In-app subscriptions" menu.

How can I test my in-app subscriptions?
To test if the in-app subscriptions are working, you have to try purchasing an in-app subscription inside your app and check for any error messages. If the subscription was done successfully, you should be able to see it on the AppCoins Wallet. Inside the AppCoins Wallet, in "Settings", there is a menu called "Manage Subscriptions" where all the subscriptions will be presented and also where they can be managed.


Inside "Manage Subscriptions" you will be able to see a complete list of all your in-app subscriptions. It is also possible to click on "More" to see the subscription's payment details, and you can cancel the subscription anytime.