Developer Resources

Annotations used in the Android Billing SDK

ResponseCodeEnum class that represents the possible values in a general response of the Android Billing SDK.
SkuTypeEnum class that represents the supported SKU types.

Classes used in the Android Billing SDK

AppcoinsBillingClientMain interface for handling in-app billing in your application.
BillingFlowParamsClass with the parameters necessary to initiate a purchase flow.
PurchaseClass that represents a Purchase.
PurchasesResultClass representing the result retrieved when querying for Purchases
ReferralDeeplinkRepresents a response for a Deeplink Referral request.
SkuDetailsClass that represents the details of a Product.
SkuDetailsParamsClass with the parameters query for Sku Details.

Interfaces used in the Android Billing SDK

AppCoinsBillingStateListenerA callback class that serves as a listener for monitoring the SDK setup process and the connection status with the Billing Service.
ConsumeResponseListenerA callback class that serves as a listener for monitoring the consumption operation of a Purchases.
PurchasesUpdatedListenerA callback class that serves as a listener for the Purchases made with the AppcoinsBillingClient.
SkuDetailsResponseListenerA callback class that serves as a listener for the querying of Sku's.