Class that represents a Purchase.

Public parameters

itemTypeStringString value of the SkuType of product purchased.
packageNameStringPackage name of the application that originated this Purchase.
skuStringID of the product purchased.
purchaseTimeLongPurchase time in millies.
purchaseStateIntState of the Purchase.
developerPayloadStringString based payload specified by the Developer when initiating this Purchase.
tokenStringThe UID (Unique Identifier) of the Purchase to filter by in the Aptoide Services.
orderIdStringThe order UID (Unique Identifier) used internally in Aptoide.
originalJsonStringString based value of the original JSON value that contains detailed information about the Purchase.
signatureByteArrayString based value containing the signature of the Purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. SHA1withRSA algorithm scheme is used.
isAutoRenewingBooleanSpecifies if the subscription will renew automatically. If set to true, the subscription remains active and is scheduled to renew on the upcoming billing date. If set to false, the subscription has been canceled, and access to content will end on the next billing date unless the user opts to restore automatic renewal or completes a manual renewal.


Possible values of the Response:

0CONSUMEDPurchase has been successfully consumed.
1PENDINGPurchase is still pending consume.
2ACKNOWLEDGEDPurchase has been successfully acknowledged.