
Class that represents the details of a Product.

Public parameters

itemTypeStringString value of the SkuType of product purchased.
skuStringID of the product purchased.
typeStringString value of the SkuType of product purchased.
titleStringTitle of the Product.
descriptionStringDescription of the Product.
priceLongThe price as a localized numeric string with the currency symbol corresponding to the given currency of the price. Example: $4.99
priceAmountMicrosStringThe price in micro-units (millionths of the price currency). Example: 4990000 (for 4.99)
priceCurrencyCodeStringThe price currency, as an ISO 4217 alphabetic code. Example: USD
appcPriceLongThe APPC Price as a localized numeric string with the currency symbol corresponding to the APPC currency. Example: APPC 110.00
appcPriceAmountMicrosStringThe APPC Price in micro-units (millionths of the APPC currency). Example: 110000000 (for 110.00)
appcPriceCurrencyCodeStringThe APPC Currency code. Value is APPC.
fiatPriceLongThe fiat price as a localized numeric string with the currency symbol corresponding to the given currency of the price. Example: $4.99
fiatPriceAmountMicrosStringThe fiat price in micro-units (millionths of the price currency). Example: 4990000 (for 4.99)
fiatPriceCurrencyCodeStringThe fiat price currency, as an ISO 4217 alphabetic code. Example: USD