APK Signature

Your application’s signature is a way to prove ownership of your app that allows you to define and identify the author of the app and update it in a simple and quick way.

Setting up

apksigner is a tool that allows you to sign APKs, which is available as part of Android SDK Build Tools (you can find it inside the "build-tools" folder in the Android SDK installation folder). To know more about this tool visit the official documentation page here.

Signing the APK

Using Windows

  1. While in the Command Prompt, type in the following command, but with the following arguments:
apksigner sign -v --ks <path to the keystore file> <path to the unsigned APK>
    * Example: apksigner sign -v --ks “C:\Users\Aptoide\Signature.jks “C:\Users\Downloads\Unsigned_Test.apk”
  1. You must use the same Keystore used to sign the APK you want to submit. Signatures from this blank APK and your APK must match!

  2. You will be asked to insert the password for your Keystore file, type it down and press enter. Your password is being inserted even if no text is shown!

Using macOS / Linux

  1. While in the Command Prompt, type in the following command, but with the following arguments:
~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/<android sdk version installed>/apksigner sign -v --ks <path to the keystore file> <path to the unsigned APK>
    * Example: ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/33.0.0/apksigner sign -v --ks /Users/Aptoide/Signature.jks /Users/Aptoide/Downloads/Unsigned_Test.apk
  1. You must use the same Keystore used to sign the APK you want to submit. Signatures from this blank APK and your APK must match!

  2. You will be asked to insert the password for your Keystore file, type it down and press enter. Your password is being inserted even if no text is shown!