AppCoins Billing SDK release notes

This topic contains release notes for the AppCoins Billing SDK.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-07-10)

Version (128) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Improves communication between Web Payment page and SDK for user payment cancellation.
  • Fixes a bug in the communication protocol for Aptoide Games.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-07-04)

Version (127) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Integrates the following features:
    • Direct to Consumeer (D2C) purchases with discount campaigns applied.
    • Web Payments.
    • In-App updates:
      • Automatic flow with Pop-up Dialog for new version download.
      • Manual flow with new version verification and store opening.
    • Support Aptoide Games as a Billing Service.
  • Improvements in the connection to the Billing Service Apps:
    • Automatic recognition of the best Billing Service to use with install/uninstall updates.
  • Updated SKU details and pricing information request.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-06-13)

Version (126) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Integrates Attribution feature for user linking with discount campaigns.
  • Improvements in the Indicative Metrics:
    • Unexpected errors are now being traced.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-05-20)

Version (125) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Integrates First Web Payment to allow the user to make payments via web when a billing app isn't installed.
  • Improvements in the Indicative Metrics:
    • Wallet installation feedback is now handled correctly.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-03-05)

Version (124) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Separates flow coming from a payment flow response, in order to handle:
    • cases where the request fails and a fallback trigger is needed, ignoring the payflow priority.
    • cases where the payment flow intentionally wants to avoid a certain flow even if the service is installed
  • Changes the continuation flow from the installation, to avoid the payment flow call in these scenarios.

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-02-20)

Version (123) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Fixed an issue with the Indicative setup that would sometimes cause problems when sending the first event, now that should consistent

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-31)

Version (122) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Fixed service bind when the package is GamesHub related and the first bind of the service fails

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-31)

This version was released with critically issues, should not be used.
Please refer to the more recent version

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-26)

Version (120) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Fixed a crash for when the payment flow redirection call fails and we want to log that information
  • Improved URI communication to reduce chance of lacking bind permission

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-25)

Version (119) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Fixed a crash for the fallback URI communication with Appcoins Wallet
    • Whenever the AIDL communication was not able to bind the service, the fallback was failing creating a dead-end
  • Separated environments in server-side payment flow, to allow improvements without affecting any users

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-18)

Version (118) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Added support for new payment flow via Games Hub
    • When available, allow for the payment to go through Games Hub instead of the Wallet
  • Server-side control of payment flows
    • Support for improving payment conversion by dynamically adapting the payment flow server-side

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2024-01-01)

Version (117) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Added analytics to improve continuous product improvement
    • Indicative (version 1.1.0)
  • Added Kotlin to start migration from Java
    • Kotlin (version 1.5.30)

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2023-12-29)

Version (116) of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • Fix Android13 compatibility

AppCoins Billing SDK Release (2021-04-30)

Version of the AppCoins Billing SDK is now available.

Summary of changes

  • First Maven publication of the AppCoins SDK