Manual In-App Products

Your In-App Products can be managed manually through the Catappult console. To access your app's In-App Products menu, go to your app's App Details menu (by clicking on "My Apps" and then clicking on the app you wish to access). After that, go to the In-App Products tab.

Once in that tab, you will be able to select "Manual" at the top of the screen and manually manage your app's In-App Products.


Here, you will be able to add products, deactivate/reactivate them, and also edit them. To deactivate/reactivate a product, click on the toggle below the Status columns.

Manually adding products

It is possible to add prices in 2 different ways: manually add them one by one or add in bulk by importing a CSV file.

Adding one by one

To add a single in-app product to your app, click on the pink add button.

A window will pop up where you will have to add all the information and specificities of the product, such as the name of the SKU, the title of the item, the description, and the price. After adding all the relevant information, click on Add to finish the process.


Adding in bulk - importing a CSV file

To upload the products to Catappult, you can use a CSV file (exported from Google Play or another app of yours on Catappult). You can also export your products list and import it on another app if you wish to have the same products on different apps.
To import the CSV file, you can click on "Import CSV" in the upper section of the in-app products menu and upload it.

An example of how the file has to be organized is:
Product ID,Published State,Price,Language; Title; Description
sword.020,published,PT; 5,en; Sword 1; Big sword 1

The parameters that need to be filled in are the following:

  1. Product ID = SKU
  2. Published State = Status
  3. Price = Default Price
  4. Language = Language (inside the product)
  5. Title = Title
  6. Description = Description (inside the product)

Product ID: This is the name of the SKU. It can only have lowercase letters, numbers, underscores (_) and periods (.); eg.: sword.020
Published State: The status of the product, if it is live/active or not. I can either be either published or not published
Price: The value and currency of the product. It needs to be a 2-digit country code and a numerical value; eg.: PT; 5
Language: It must be a 2-digit language code; eg.: en
Title: The title of the product and what the end-user sees when making a purchase; eg.: Sword 1. If you do not want anything here, you can write null.
Description: The description of the product and what the end-user sees when making a purchase; eg.: Big sword 1. If you do not want anything here, you can write null.

The uploaded file must be a .csv file. We recommend that the file is edited in a program that allows the structure to stay intact, such as Notepad or VS Code.

To define the currency, what must be inputted is the country code of the currency. For example, for the currency to be EUR, it is necessary to use a country code such as FR (France) or PT (Portugal) because both countries use EUR as their official currency.

It is possible to input several currencies into the same product all at once. An example of that would be:
Product ID,Published State,Price,Language; Title; Description
sword.020,published,US; 5; BR; 2,en; Sword 1; Big sword 1
Here, the product would have 2 different prices: 5 USD and 2 BRL. It can also be:
Product ID,Published State,Price,Language; Title; Description
sword.3,published,AS; 100; BQ; 100; EC; 100; FM; 100; GU; 100; IO; 100; MH; 100; MP; 100; PR; 100; PW; 100; SV; 100; TC; 100; TL; 100; UM; 100; US; 100; VG; 100; VI; 100; BR; 200; CA; 100,en; Sword 3; Small sword
Where all the regions that use USD are stated and, if you wish to do so, you can have a different price for different regions that use the same currency.

The reference price is set according to the first 2-digit country code uploaded. For example, on
Product ID,Published State,Price,Language; Title; Description
sword.020,published,FR; 5; US; 2,en; Sword 1; Big sword 1
the reference price will be 5 EUR.

When submitting several products at once, the format will be:

Product ID,Published State,Price,Language; Title; Description
sword.3,published,AS; 100; BQ; 100; EC; 100; FM; 100; GU; 100; IO; 100; MH; 100; MP; 100; PR; 100; PW; 100; SV; 100; TC; 100; TL; 100; UM; 100; US; 100; VG; 100; VI; 100; BR; 200; CA; 100,en; Sword 3; Small sword
sword.020,not published,AD; 5; AT; 5; AX; 5; BE; 5; BL; 5; CY; 5; DE; 5; EE; 5; ES; 5; FI; 5; FR; 5; GF; 5; GP; 5; GR; 5; IE; 5; IT; 5; LU; 5; LV; 5; MC; 5; ME; 5; MF; 5; MQ; 5; MT; 5; NL; 5; PM; 5; PT; 5; RE; 5; SI; 5; SK; 5; SM; 5; TF; 5; VA; 5; XK; 5; YT; 5,ar; Sword 7; Biggest sword
sword.001,published,AS; 3; BQ; 3; EC; 3; FM; 3; GU; 3; IO; 3; MH; 3; MP; 3; PR; 3; PW; 3; SV; 3; TC; 3; TL; 3; UM; 3; US; 3; VG; 3; VI; 3,en; Sword 1; Big sword
sword.22,published,AS; 3; BQ; 3; EC; 3; FM; 3; GU; 3; IO; 3; MH; 3; MP; 3; PR; 3; PW; 3; SV; 3; TC; 3; TL; 3; UM; 3; US; 3; VG; 3; VI; 3; AD; 1; AT; 1; AX; 1; BE; 1; BL; 1; CY; 1; DE; 1; EE; 1; ES; 1; FI; 1; FR; 1; GF; 1; GP; 1; GR; 1; IE; 1; IT; 1; LU; 1; LV; 1; MC; 1; ME; 1; MF; 1; MQ; 1; MT; 1; NL; 1; PM; 1; PT; 1; RE; 1; SI; 1; SK; 1; SM; 1; TF; 1; VA; 1; XK; 1; YT; 1,en; Sword 22; Smallest Sword

If you wish to update the product, you can import the CSV file maintain the Product ID and change all the other parameters. To add more prices in bulk, the price you currently have needs to be included, or else it will be replaced by the other prices on the CSV file.
As long as the Product ID is the same, all other fields when changed and imported via CSV will be updated. This way, it is possible to bulk update your SKUs' information.


We support Google Play's products CSV file

We also support Google Play's products in CSV format. You can download your product list from Google Play and directly import it on our platform.

Different prices and currencies

The same product can have different prices and/or different currencies. This means that when editing a product you can set the retail price for each currency. To do this, click on the specific product to access its details.


To add a new price and/or currency of a certain product, click on "Edit" on the details page of the product and then click on "Add price".


In the menu that pops up, you will be able to write down the price you want, and the currency and set it as the reference price if you wish to do so.


To edit an existing price, click on the note-and-pencil icon that appears next to the retail price:


Here, you will be able to edit the price, and the currency and change it if you want it as the reference price.


Reference price

If the retail price for a specific currency is not specified, the charged amount for such currencies will be automatically converted from the reference price at the moment of purchase.
You can flag a price as a reference when editing any price, but you won't be able to delete a flagged price.