Update your app

App available on Google Play

With in-app purchases

If your app is available on Google Play and has IAPs, you need to manually submit your app's updates.

To submit an update:

  1. Click on "My Apps" in the main menu.
  2. Click on the app you wish to update.
  3. Scroll down, click on the "Upload New Version" button and submit your updated APK.

Without in-app purchases

Depending on the characteristics of your app, the updates can either be manual or automatic. If your app is on Google Play and does not have any IAPs, the updates will be automatic. Therefore, all you need to do is update your app on Google Play.

App not available on Google Play

In case your app is not available on Google Play, the updates have to be manually submitted.

To submit an update:

  1. Click on "My Apps" in the main menu.
  2. Click on the app you wish to update.
  3. Scroll down, click on the "Upload New Version" button and submit your updated APK.


Why can't I edit my app's metadata?
If your app is on Google Play, the metadata will be fetched from the version you currently have on Google Play. You will have to edit the information directly on Google Play and, after that, we will automatically get the information. If you wish to change this, send an email to [email protected].
If your app is not on Google Play, you have to upload a new version of the app to update the metadata.

My app's presentation images are not in the correct order, how can I change this?
At the moment, the presentation images of your app do not appear in a specific order and it is not possible to edit its order.

How can I upload any missing splits?
If there are missing splits, there will be a notification on your console. When going to Version View, at the bottom of the page, there will be a message informing you to upload any missing splits. You can click on "Upload" and submit your missing splits.