Prove ownership of your app

Proving ownership of your app is the process used to determine if the developer owns the app they are trying to submit. On Catappult, this process is performed differently depending on where your app is available.

If your app is on Google Play

In case your app is available on Google Play, your app's Google Play support email address will be used.

  • In case you register on Catappult using the same email address as your app's Google Play support email address, Catappult will check the email address's legitimacy and validate the ownership of the app automatically.
  • If you create your account on Catappult using a different email address from the one you are using as your app's Google Play support email address, you will receive in your app's Google Play support email address confirmation email with a link. Please note that this link is valid for a short period of time.


Please make sure you have access to your app's Google Play support email address.

If your app is not on Google Play

When filling out your app's submission form on the developer console, download the blank APK file to sign and upload it back to the platform. The signature must match the one on the app you are trying to certify.

All you need to do is:

  • Download the blank APK
  • Sign the blank APK with your keystore
  • Upload the signed blank APK

You can check for more information here.